Sunday, June 10, 2007

Harrisburg Photo Blog

I didn't have enough time to wander around Harrisburg as I thought I would. Although, really, I don't know the city well enough to wander around it. I haven't spent more than three weeks at home since I left for undergrad at the age of 18. And even when I'm home, I rarely have the desire to go into the city. Maybe I've just turned into a city snob, but there's not much there for me. No music scene to speak of. A handful of interesting museums, but that's about it. I did spend a few summers during high school working at my parents' office downtown, so that's really the only corner of the city I know well. And, fittingly, that's the only area of the city that I took photos of on my trip home.

Display window of my parents' office downtown. This is why I have sweet musician's earplugs for shows.

Roxy's Cafe. I used to get food from here almost everyday that I worked for my parents back in high school.

The State Museum of Pennsylvania. It's actually a lot more interesting inside than it appears outside - I only wish I had had the time to go in and explore.

Marquee for a gay nightclub. See, we're not completely backwards!

Lame cities have lame graffiti.

I love alleyway details.

Where do you suppose these doors go?

Rest of my photos are here.

But as much as I hate on Harrisburg, there's something to be said for bars that have last call at 1:58AM and actually let you chill out for awhile after they've stopped serving alcohol. Also, Palumbo's pizza being open until god knows when (I think we left around 3AM). And I love the open space surrounding the city. It honestly makes me nauseous to fly back into San Diego. You come over the mountains, and all of a sudden, there are people and houses everywhere. I start getting a massive sense of claustrophobia (compounded by the fact that I've been sitting in a plane for hours) and anxiety. But then we fly over my house and Balboa Park and I start to feel a little bit better. Then it's over the Casbah and I remember why I put up with all the overcrowding.

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