Monday, June 19, 2006

interesting ad campaign

Even though I currently live in San Diego, and I've never actually lived in Philly, I like to keep up with the goings-on in my East Coast original home-away-from-home. I spent a significant amount of time there during undergrad, due to the fact that it was one in the trifecta of cities (Philly, DC, and Pittsburgh) where I could actually see decent concerts, plus Joe was from there so we always had a place to crash.

Lately there have been numerous jokes in the area about Philly becoming the "sixth borough" of New York City. I guess some people get a little ticked off, but others find it funny. As Joe put it, "Why wouldn't a hipster love Philadelphia? We're the thrift store of East Coast cities." Never thought about it that way, but it's true. And now a recent project for some New York advertising students has taken that idea and run with it far enough to turn some heads in the advertising world. The Philadelphia Daily News Story about the project can be found here:

The actual ads can be viewed here:

Personal favorites: